Panel of 1st International symposium on Nature Grid in Green Campus and City

Green Energy Between Vision and Reality


Takashi Hiyama


Kiyotaka Fuji


Hisafumi Yamada


Yaser Qudaih

Prof. Takashi Hiyama (Panelist)
He received his B.E., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees all in Electrical Engineering from Kyoto University, Japan in 1969, 1971, and 1980, respectively. Since 1989 to March 2012 he was a Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Kumamoto University, Japan. From June of 1985 to September of 1986, he was with Clarkson University, NY, USA as an ESEERCO(Empire State Electrical Energy Research Corporation) Research Fellow. He was also working as the Director of International Student Center, one of the members of the Special Advisory Board for the President, Vice-Dean and the Dean of the Graduate School of Science and Technology, and the Director of Shock Wave and Condensed Matter Research Center at Kumamoto University. Now, he is a Professor Emeritus at Kumamoto University, after his retirement from the university at the end of March 2012. Since April 2012 he has been the President of Kumamoto Prefectural College of Technology, Japan. His current interests include intelligent system applications to electric power systems, especially for the operation, control and management of power systems. In addition his research also covers the applications of renewable energy power sources to power distribution networks for the configuration of micro-grid and/or smart-grid. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and a member of IEE of Japan.

Mr. Kiyotaka Fuji (Panelist)
He was born in Fukuoka, Japan, in 1969.
He received his BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering from Fukuoka University-Japan, Graduate School of Engineering, 1992 and 1994 respectively.
He Joined the R&D unit in Inverter Drives Div. of Yaskawa Electric Corporation from 1994 to 2010.
He Joined the R&D unit in the Research Institute of TOTO LTD as resident engineer from 2004 to 2005.
He was the technical director in ECOS LTD and Energy management association executive office technical staff from 2010 to 2011.
He received the technology expert registered Kitakyushu-city from FAIS SME Support Center in 2012.
He received the Associate Carbon Counselor for Low-carbon economy from CMA in 2012.
Currently he is C.E.O. of the Fellow Energy CO.,LTD. and a PhD student of Division of Environmental Engineering, Department of Biological Functions and Engineering, Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology
His research interests are in the areas of POWER ELECTRONICS, Semiconductor Device circuits, Energy saving Inverter control, PV conditioner device and control, EV inverter device and control, On-grid power system basic research, environment zero-emission bamboo basic research. He filed several Patented invention.

Prof. Hisafumi Yamada (Panelist)
He is a visiting professor of Kyushu Institute of Technology for Green Campus project (2011~).
He was a professor and founding director of The Center for Human Quality of Life through IT at Kyushu Institute of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, directs cooperation activity between academia and industries (2004~2011).
He received B.S. degree from the University of Tokyo and joined Sony Corporation (1970), where he developed and commercialized ghost canceller (1980), computer controlled TV (1988), MUSE HDTV (1992), STB for DIRECTV (1995), ATV (1998) and filed more than 200 patents.
He received the best paper award of IEEE consumer electronics society (1980).
He was a senior VP of Sony Electronics of USA and a president of TV business of Americas (1999).
He was an executive VP of Sony Human Capital Corporation (2004).

Dr. Yaser Qudaih (Coordinator)
Graduated from the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan in 1996 as an electrical engineer. He worked in his country, Palestine, at Gaza International Airport from 1997 to 2005 with the Palestinian Civil Aviation Authority. He gained a remarkable practical experience during his work as an electrical engineer in the airport. He Completed his M.Sc. and PhD from Kumamoto University, JAPAN in Electrical Engineering. He is currently a researcher (Project Assistant Professor) at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT), JAPAN. His area of interest including power system is renewable energy and Smart Grid Applications. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan and IEEE. Dr. Yaser is very active in the area of Energy Policy and Green Energy Implementations. He is the founder of the Global Center of Energy and Peace (GCEP) and the coordinator of several activities in the area of Renewable Energy.